Make Things That Matter
Make Things That Matter
#4 Marshall Mosher: tough product calls & acclimating to fear

#4 Marshall Mosher: tough product calls & acclimating to fear

Marshall Mosher

Marshall Mosher is the cofounder and CEO of Vestigo, a company that uses outdoor adventure experiences to help people push outside their comfort zones, get comfortable being uncomfortable, and build deep trust with their teammates.

Marshall caught the entrepreneurial bug at the tail end of his masters program, and hasn't looked back since. After graduating from the University of Georgia, Marshall spent time at the Singularity University Global Solutions Program Fellowship at NASA Ames and has been on the path of empowering human experience through technology since then.

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Make Things That Matter
Make Things That Matter
What if our products and companies gave more life to everything they touched? Making this a reality is our quest, through impactful product leadership, strategy, decision making, and culture.